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No One Is Holding You Back. How You Think About Yourself Might Be Holding You Back. BUT! It Doesn't Have To.

We had a big problem with our thoughts: we thought we weren't good enough; we thought we didn't matter until we learned how to think again! We taught other women what we learned. Our "Think Again" Program graduates now know how to re-think their worth. They are finding happiness and fulfillment in unexpected ways. We want that for you too.

Think Again! The Best Way to Feel Significant and Put Your Well-being First.

Think Again is a group coaching program that uses a proven and effective technique to help you get unstuck, reach your goals, and put past drama where it the past. Our students have gone on to write books, gain greater self-confidence, repair broken relationships, and feel good about their future.

You can too!

Talk to one of our coaches and find out if you are a right fit for our program that is changing minds and changing lives!

Check out the testimonials below. Then, apply to the program by clicking LEARN MORE.


"I was asked to participate in the Seven Last Utterances Service at my church. Before the "Think Again" class, I would have talked myself out of participating. However, this time I was bold enough to say yes...In class, we learned that being bold and courageous means doing things even when you are afraid and out of your comfort zone... This turned out to be an awesome experience and a step to more things coming my way. Thank you "Think Again" team for being a major part of my preparation for future endeavors." "

S. Smiley

From Your Coach-Instructors

During this 8-week course, weĀ go LIVE each week to coachĀ youĀ to apply what you learn in the videos to your real-life challenges.

You will:

  • Discover new meaning and purpose.
  • Feel inspired to dream bigger.
  • Gain new confidence to put yourself first.
  • Learn to release disempowering thoughts about yourself.
  • Accept that you are good enough and that your life matters.
Learn About The Duo-Coaches

"Your Life Will Follow The Story You Tell Yourself"

Dr. Renai Ellison is our student in the "Think Again" online course. Listen to how her testimonial can help you tell yourself a different story.


Purchase the e-course today and receive a 20% discount on any pricing option.


Tell Yourself A Positive Story Long Enough And You Will Believe It!

But there is a simple solution to this bad habit.

You criticize yourself...a lot. You criticize your boss, your partner, your co-worker, your neighbor, your parents, your siblings, your child, etc.

The reason you criticize yourself and others isn't all that complicated. You are simply unaware that you have been telling a "story" to yourself about yourself and about others. That story goes something like this: "I don't matter" or "I am not enough".

You don't know it, but when you tell yourself the story "I don't matter" or "I am not enough", you feel bad. Those bad feelings cloud your judgment about others. Conflict erupts, hurt feelings last, jealousy rears its head, and you get into a rut you can't get out of. 

We have a solution for you: change your thoughts to change your story. Change your story and master your life.

Human beings MUST make sense out of their experiences. We call this “attaching meaning” OR “creating a story” OR “creating a narrative”. These expressions are used in psychology. We are going to use “creating a story” as the term for this explanation. The “story” you tell yourself about that experience is the same as the THOUGHTS and FEELINGS you have about the experience. Sometimes the “story” (same as your THOUGHTS and FEELINGS) that you tell yourself about an experience is not helpful or productive. You will know it is not helpful or productive by the way you FEEL about the experience, by the ACTIONS you take, and by the RESULTS you get.


Our signature "Think Again" Group Coaching Program is by invitation only after you apply. We ensure that the students we select are an ideal mix for the personal and transformative group experience. If you want to apply to the program, click below and one of the coaches will reach out to you to review your application. If you are a good fit, we will extend a warm invitation for you to join the next group.

The Reason You Criticize Yourself

and your boss, and your partner, and your co-worker, and your neighbor, and your parents, and your sibling, simple.

"You Must Believe You Matter & You Are Enough"

Negative thoughts you have about yourself are holding you back from happiness, romance, money, promotion, friendship, health, and any goal you want to achieve. In this e-course taught by Pamela Elaine Nichols and Cheryl Hurley, you will hear the lessons they learned and the struggles they help their clients overcome in this empowering e-course.


Purchase the e-course today and receive a 20% discount on any pricing option.



Our signature "Think Again" Group Coaching Program is by invitation only after you apply. We ensure that the students we select are an ideal mix for the personal and transformative group experience. If you want to apply to the program, click below and one of the coaches will reach out to you to review your application. If you are a good fit, we will extend a warm invitation for you to join the next group.


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Complete the form below and then check your email (and junk folder) for instructions from EXECUTIVE BEAUTY to get the sample e-Course.